18 Dic Timothy Lavenz: Surrender
Imagination’s urgency
deferred into rumor purge
plans demonry.
Pronunciation of the verdict
debates intangibles. Organs
separate from nature’s use
learn lassitude. The clasp
on the ape’s bleeding back
serves up to our hungry eyes
a figure of human anima, bent
further down than any tree.
Further than perennials creep,
worse than any bright purpose.
The grey lark entranced,
claws frozen fast to the dermis,
chooses not to move, can’t,
though his voice fall in
unawares for pain’s truth.
Shivers, shot from the innards,
toughen up the singer’s claws.
Eyes transfixed on the victim
peck through the skull.
A channel
Into dark amber begins.
Timothy Lavenz Berlin 2017