01 Feb Timothy Lavenz: Lesson
Plague of the nameless? No—
fortified atrium for the aimless,
canopied by vervous space recouped
in silver timing’s ageless method,
that slow encroachment of Idea
upon history’s dawdling stage
laid to appearance-waste
by each small saying heartward
to meet the potential of light
in a coax of heightening quiet ,
warm as the ominous outside.
So if misfire is to none begrudged;
if the tonic is by ghosts chugged;
if each word ’ss deed is undone,
then let dawn the reign of instant’s fact
in one breadth, on e causeless
irradiation of caesuras, inhabitable,
surging purifications
staged into destined figures on the rise
in disguise of imperfect tract.
What a trade! That dynamic landing
shred into such distances, our bond
redeemed at last in latest stage
by a h airsbreadth of faith cinched down
and trembling understood.
Timothy Lavenz Berlin 2018