26 Gen Timothy Lavenz: climb

intervention by Bacco Artolini on “Self-portrait” Albrecht Durer ( 1498)
Redrawn in by tiniest
sonic ligature
to t he snippet – joint raid,
triggers autotrack layer
of a corpse proceeding
towerward, hurried
with a sense of martyr’s blame.
Imprisoned air, un-
prismed,, the silent imposter
dar es a livid defe nse up there:
you weigh it in dust-
plated scales, growing tired.
For the awareness is heavy,
the danger too rare.
None notice the gutterline
stuffed with old gray hair
or the bricks chipped
by inclement millennia’s wear.
Notice the confines lacking
interiors, the care
at couplings’ every interval.
An outward-bound dream, yes,
that would repair everything,
but justice—in whose ear??—
snares the confession ill-stated.
The puzzlelid drops
into the well. A plea
leaps into throats
of claribells. Time-
swallower syllable at last,
glee-sunken gladiator,
rues the verse-jail
in consent.
Timothy Lavenz Berlin 2018