04 Giu This time in Berlin!
Art is constantly expanding, like the Universe.
Braced by visions, it is impossible to stay in the same medium for very long. Continuing to experiment, destroy to recreate, brought me, in the last period, to share artistic moments with a team of free and independent personalities.
At the end of June, I, in collaboration with other artists, will reiterate the minotaur performance on the line of time (which here in Berlin has taken shape in Faust and Mephisto) in a new context: the “Bacco Artolini Alive” event performance casts some bases, for a new blend of painting with noise music .. but it is not the case to pull it too long now.
Here are the two fakebook events:
Bacco Artolini Alive
Digital Walpurgisnacht
In the coming month (if you like the idea) you will be up to date on the development of the whole .. always respecting the hermetic and poetic cut .. Not too social pretty artistic ..